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American Hero Chris Kyle

Chris Kyle─the author of New York Times Best Selling book─American Sniper─and his wife, Taya, knew all too well the issues encountered by military personnel and first responder families.

Chris Kyle New York Times Best Sellerchriskylefrogfoundation

The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation has been built on four solid pillars: Loyalty, Empowerment, Integrity, and Excellence.

The aim of the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation is to provide meaningful, interactive experiences to service members, first responders and their families─aimed at enriching family relationships. Prior to his untimely passing in February 2013, Chris had begun casting his vision for the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation to provide experiences for service and first responder families to work through many of the difficulties he and Taya had experienced post-deployment. Taya and a dedicated team are ensuring Chris’ vision─that the desire and legacy to the country he served carries on now and into the future. The experiences provided by the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation are designed to provide the opportunity to reconnect and remember what the foundation of love means to each other, thus empowering families to thrive.

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