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3 Ways to Run Your Business Like a Military Special Operator

As a new writer for Entrepreneur, Bottle Breacher Founder and CEO Eli Cane recounts his lessons learned in his SEAL days and how they apply to business. He has proven that in place of a business degree, training as a Special Operator proves equally as, if not more valuable to running his ship. The 3 tactics he recommends: keep it simple, implement redundancies, and staying on the offensive. 

Writing for Entrepreneur, Eli is able to share a bit more about his background as a SEAL and what has helped him build the business we know today. He draws a striking parallel of taking the fight to the enemy to staying ahead of your industry competitors, making it easy to see how business is like a war and how being a special operator prepares you for anything. Check out his full article and see if you don’t want to run your business like a Special Operator. 

3 Ways to Run Your Business Like a Military Special Operator

3 Ways to Run Your Business Like a Military Special Operator

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