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8 Ways to Enjoy New Year’s Eve Military Style

Fox News released everything hunters, outdoorsman, military and first responder families need to get ready for the inaugural ball drop on New Year’s Eve. Other than the loved ones you spend the day with, these are a few key things you’ll want to make sure you have handy for the big day.

Making the list is the Chrome Bottle Breacherto ensure you have the right tool to crack open some holiday cheer. It’s the perfect conversation piece for your event–in combat boots or winter boots, your unique piece is sure to please.

Chrome Bottle Breacher

If your event is a bit more of a buttoned up affair, we still have you covered! The Wine Bottle Breacher adds a touch of class to our brass and adds some variety to the types of bottles it can breach with a cork screw and traditional bottle opener!. Who said there is no such thing as bad ass elegance?

Wine Bottle Breacher

Cheers and Happy New Year from the Bottle Breacher team!

Don’t Stop Here

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