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Eagle Fund Bottle Breacher

Bottle Breacher just launched a NEW Breacher giving 100% of proceeds back to the Eagle Fund. 

The Eagle Fund is a program developed as a
partnership with the Andrews Research & Education Foundation (AREF) and EXOS, world leaders in sports medicine and human performance. This program exists for the purpose of
supporting active duty wounded or injured members of the Special Operations
community. A primary goal of the program is to give these men and women a chance to return to active duty. This all began when a Navy SEAL approached us and said, “I need help.” We treated him pro bono and then he later made a donation and said, “Let this be the start of a fund that will allow my brothers to get the kind of treatment I have received.” Each graduate of the Eagle Fund will also receive a personalized Bottle Breacher upon completion of the program.

Together EXOS and AREF allows for a broad spectrum of specialties including: performance training, physical therapy, nutrition, data collection and processing, program enhancement and outreach. They provide participants with physical therapy, performance training, nutritional support, and massage therapy. The primary goal is to get participants back to the fight, and at the very least, improve their overall quality of life.

Who is EXOS: A world leader in integrated performance training, nutrition, and physical therapy for elite athletes, military, first responders, and forward thinking corporations.

Who is AREF: Brings together the highest level of sports medicine education from doctors, researchers, and rehabilitation professionals.

All donations made to the Eagle Fund are used to directly support our service men and women. The Eagle Fund is a restricted fund established in AREF, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Learn more about Bottle Breacher’s new partnership with Eagle Fund.

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